Do not be surprised if, a year from now, prices are 20 percent or
more higher than they are today and that tens of millions of elderly people on
fixed incomes suffer greatly as a result.
The recently enacted “stimulus” legislation costing $6.2 trillion
can be paid for only by the printing of new and additional money in that amount,
which will represent an increase in the M1 money supply to substantially more
than double its present height.
This amount of increase in the money supply is sufficient by
itself to double or more than double prices and totally destroy the finances of
the elderly, if not by next year, then over the next few years.
With today’s mentality of bottomless economic ignorance and reckless
irresponsibility, the plight of the elderly will likely be met by still more “stimulus.”
We are in process of destroying the dollar.
The long-run solution is to deprive the government of the power to
create money, which can be accomplished by restoring the gold standard and
requiring that the issuance of new and additional paper money be limited by the
increase in the supply of gold.
The immediate solution is to go back to work and end the seeming
need for trillions of additional paper dollars, the consequences of which will
be worse than any the Coronavirus could produce.
The lockdowns are in violation of The First Amendment’s
prohibition of laws violating the freedoms of religion and of assembly. They
are also in violation of the Ninth Amendment’s implicit recognition of the
right to work.
Organizing should be started on a million-man march on Washington
to demand the end of lockdowns and the government’s ability to create limitless
quantities of paper money.
Let all who are at risk from the Coronavirus take precautions. But
do not consider as a precaution the destruction of money and the economic
We must not allow trillions to become the new
billions, and then the new millions, and the paper dollar to become the new
toilet paper.
A video version of this post can be found on YouTube under the title "No Toilet Paper Dollar." It's at