Available at Amazon.com (http://amzn.to/O7WIbR) in Kindle format. 99¢.
A New Declaration of
This is a wonderful book. It evoked despair when the author
described the conditions of our welfare state. At the same time, and especially
as the result of the next-to-last essay “Why I Love America,” it evoked great
admiration for our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and resulted in my having
hope for the America I also love. Hopefully, the author’s projected “New
Declaration of Independence” will someday become a reality. This book should be
required reading in all the high schools and colleges of this country.EDITH PACKER
Strangling the Pioneering Spirit
The essays in this book are gems of excellent, powerful writing in a great cause. Again and again, when the book describes the original, pioneering spirit of America, it brings the reader to a mountaintop of admiration for freedom, for the unimpeded action freedom makes possible, and for the genius of our Founding Fathers in establishing a country dedicated to freedom. And again and again, when it describes the very different spirit that prevails today—the spirit of the welfare state—it plunges the reader into the depths of despair. Here, the reader is made to confront such things as the entitlement mentality run amok and the results of the 700,000 pages of stifling arbitrary rules and regulations that have been promulgated and accumulated in The Federal Register since 1936.
One cannot read this book without a sense of tragic loss over
what has gone so terribly wrong in our country. The author concludes with a
call for a “NEW Declaration of Independence.” One can only hope that someday it
will happen. But for now and the foreseeable future, it would have the greatest
difficulty in finding signers, let alone a sufficient number of soldiers
willing to fight for a renewal of the ideals on which our country was founded. But enough people reading this book would certainly help to improve the odds.