News stories alleging major corruption on the part not only of the son of the Democratic candidate for President, but also on the part of the candidate himself, namely, Joseph Biden, have largely been ignored by the mainstream media.
reason given, without any kind of proof, is that the stories are “disinformation.”
If the
alleged “disinformation” they provide is to be a reason for banning them, how
long will it be before books are removed from the shelves of libraries? After
all, what is Marxism and many other “isms” but disinformation?
And, of
course, so too, according to Marxists, is any form of opposition to Marxism.
Freedom of
speech and press is being destroyed before our very eyes.
And you
literally can no longer trust the press or the other media. If the Biden stories
can be suppressed, you can have no idea of what else may also be being
suppressed. You can also have no idea of which among all the various news
reports are actually true.